In the wake of COP21, European shipowners call for solid action in IMO

European shipowners welcome the ambitious and forward-looking climate change agreement reached in Paris this weekend. They call on all actors involved to work together for decisive […]

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«H ναυπηγοεπισκευή θα τορπιλιστεί από ενδεχόμενη επιβολή ΦΠΑ»

Σε νέες περιπέτειες κινδυνεύει να μπει ο διαγωνισμός πώλησης του ΟΛΠ  σε περίπτωση που δεν ξεκαθαρίσει σύντομα το θέμα που έχει ανοίξει με τo ενδεχόμενο επιβολής […]

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Νέο Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

Crewtoo Seafarers Happiness Index Shows Widening Gap in Connectivity

Crewtoo, the online social network for seafarers and a part of KVH Industries, Inc., (Nasdaq: KVHI), has published the results of its third Crewtoo Seafarers Happiness […]

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Εκτός των αποφάσεων της Διεθνούς Διάσκεψης για το Κλίμα (COP21), που ολοκληρώνεται σήμερα στο Παρίσι, έχει μείνει σύμφωνα με το τελευταίο, όχι όμως τελικό, κείμενο συμφωνίας […]

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European shipowners want shipping reintroduced in COP21 text

European shipowners join the European Commission, MEPs and various stakeholders in calling for shipping to be brought back in the text currently negotiated in the context […]

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International Chamber of Shipping

Global Shipping Industry Will Support Further CO2 Reduction Measures at IMO, Regardless of Final Outcome of Paris Conference

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), which has represented global ship operators throughout the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, has commented on the latest draft […]

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9 Reasons 2015 Was a Green Year in Shipping

We live in an increasingly Globalized society where exchange of goods and services is easy, affordable and fast. About 90% of the global trade is happening […]

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Over half of internationally trading fleet now living with ECDIS

Over half of ships trading internationally are living with ECDIS, according to the latest figures published by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO). Of an estimated […]

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Global cooperation is the bedrock of a successful European shipping policy, shipowners say

Global cooperation must remain an absolute priority of European shipping policy. That was the principal message of ECSA’s contribution to the Senior Maritime Forum of Marintec […]

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Climate change solutions

Climate change solutions

Climate change experts meeting in Paris this week will today (2 December) hear about IMO’s extensive efforts to address GHG emissions from shipping. IMO has adopted […]

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