The role of the pilot in mitigating the potential economic and environmental risk from today’s large vessels is one of the most important in maritime safety. […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραΤο κύµα των τεχνολογιών πληροφορικής και επικοινωνιών εµφανίστηκε για πρώτη φορά στη ναυτιλία το 1860, όταν το νέο καλωδιακό δίκτυο, µια πολύ ακριβή καινοτοµία, παρείχε πρόσβαση […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραThe International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) notes Finland’s significant announcement that it has acceded to the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention. This suggests that this new […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραΣτη Φιλιππούπολη Βουλγαρίας διεξήχθη -μεταξύ 1-2 Σεπτεμβρίου- το 5ο Διεθνές συνέδριο High Level South East Europe FreightTransport Logistics, με θεματικό πυρήνα «South East Co-Modality 2016″, υπό την αιγίδα του Βουλγαρικού Υπουργείου Μεταφορών & εθνικών θεσμικών ενώσεων, […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραAccession by Finland has triggered the entry into force of a key international measure for environmental protection that aims to stop the spread of potentially invasive […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραA milestone was reached in the greening process that took place at the Port of Gothenburg on September 2, 2016. M/T Ternsund bunkered natural gas at […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραIn the following article, Capt Pradeep Chawla, Managing Director, QHSE & Training, Anglo-Eastern Univan Group Company, discusses the role of certificate of competency in safety training. He further […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραThe European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has been given the task by Regulation (EC) No 721/2004 to «draw up on a regular basis a list of […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραThe heavy lift and multipurpose (HL/MPV) shipping sector is under extreme pressure. With desperately low commodity prices laying waste to new capital projects, and increasing competition […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραBCC Research has revealed in its new report that the global shipping industry is scheduled to implement ballast water treatment systems in its entire vessel inventory […]
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