ICS Pilotage, Towing and Mooring Survey 2016 Now Underway

The role of the pilot in mitigating the potential economic and environmental risk from today’s large vessels is one of the most important in maritime safety. […]

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H Αδελφότητα των Υδραίων Αθηνών διοργανώνει το 7o Ναυτιλιακό Συνέδριο, με θέμα «Από το «µπρίκι» στο αυτόνοµο πλοίο», το Σάββατο 17 Σεπτεµβρίου 2016, στην Ύδρα.

Το κύµα των τεχνολογιών πληροφορικής και επικοινωνιών εµφανίστηκε για πρώτη φορά στη ναυτιλία το 1860, όταν το νέο καλωδιακό δίκτυο, µια πολύ ακριβή καινοτοµία, παρείχε πρόσβαση […]

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Urgent Need for Governments to Act on Ballast Water Chaos

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) notes Finland’s significant announcement that it has acceded to the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention. This suggests that this new […]

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Η παρουσία της Ε.Ε.Ν.Μ.Α. -μέσω του Ελληνικού Κέντρου Προώθησης Ναυτιλίας Μικρών Αποστάσεων- στο 5ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο High Level South East Europe Freight Transport Logistics

Στη Φιλιππούπολη Βουλγαρίας διεξήχθη -μεταξύ 1-2 Σεπτεμβρίου- το 5ο Διεθνές συνέδριο High Level South East Europe FreightTransport Logistics, με θεματικό πυρήνα «South East Co-Modality 2016″, υπό την αιγίδα του Βουλγαρικού Υπουργείου Μεταφορών & εθνικών θεσμικών ενώσεων, […]

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IMO BWM Convention to enter into force in 2017

Accession by Finland has triggered the entry into force of a key international measure for environmental protection that aims to stop the spread of potentially invasive […]

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First ship to bunker LNG at the Port of Gothenburg

A milestone was reached in the greening process that took place at the Port of Gothenburg on September 2, 2016. M/T Ternsund bunkered  natural gas at […]

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Crew Training: The Role of Culture, Competence and Certification in Safety Training

In the following article, Capt Pradeep Chawla, Managing Director, QHSE & Training, Anglo-Eastern Univan Group Company, discusses the role of certificate of competency in safety training. He further […]

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The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has been given the task by Regulation (EC) No 721/2004 to «draw up on a regular basis a list of […]

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Global fleet growth expected

The heavy lift and multipurpose (HL/MPV) shipping sector is under extreme pressure. With desperately low commodity prices laying waste to new capital projects, and increasing competition […]

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BCC Research: Global implementation of BWTS drives huge growth

BCC Research has revealed in its new report that the global shipping industry is scheduled to implement ballast water treatment systems in its entire vessel inventory […]

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