According to the International Chamber of Shipping almost the 90% of the world trade is carried with nearly 50.000 merchant ships. The European Commission says that […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραMandatory requirements for the electronic exchange of information on cargo, crew and passengers have been adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), as part of a revised […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραΗ πορεία του μεγαλύτερου λιμανιού της χώρας από την εισαγωγή στο Χ.Α. στην πώληση του ΟΛΠ, μέσα από αντιδράσεις και συγκρούσεις «Ενα ταξίδι χιλίων χιλιομέτρων αρχίζει […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραEMSA has issued a paper which provides general background information on the use of dispersants as an oil spill response option and looks into the national policies regarding […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραBIMCO and the International Group of LNG Importers (GIIGNL) have jointly launched LNGVOY, the first voyage charter party designed for the LNG spot market, aiming to […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραNatural gas is widely recognised as the most suitable bridge between the high-carbon fossil fuels era and the low-carbon economy targeted for 2050. Small-scale LNG is […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραThe Green InfraPort project has been approved by the EUSBSR Seed Money Facility, receiving the EU grant for the development and implementation of its solutions for […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραOwners of tankers and bulk carriers initially showed little enthusiasm for the LNG fuel option. There are only six such vessels in service, comprising a cement […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραThe Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI) has called on the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) to show its true intent to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions from shipping at […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραMεγάλο ποσοστό των 8,6 δισ. δολαρίων που επενδύουν οι Ελληνες εφοπλιστές σε νέες ναυπηγήσεις πλοίων θα δαπανηθεί σε νέες τεχνολογίες, καθώς ο ελληνόκτητος στόλος είναι […]
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