Swedish to investigate NECA consequences in Baltic and North Sea

The Swedish Government will investigate the consequences for Swedish industry by the introduction of a nitrogen emission control area, NECA, in the Baltic Sea and the […]

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Σερί ρεκόρ στη διακίνηση containers από τον Πειραιά

ΟΛΠ: Πάνω από 2 εκατ. εμπορευματοκιβώτια στο 7μηνο – Ναυπηγοεπισκευή: Έρχεται η πρώτη μεγάλη δεξαμενή 300.000 dwt Eνώ η διακίνηση εμπορευματοκιβωτίων από τον ΣΕΠ στο λιμάνι […]

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Terntank receives first Rotterdam LNG bunkering incentive

The new product tanker of the Swedish shipping company Terntank received the first Rotterdam ‘LNG bunkering incentive’, a premium amounting to a discount of ten percent […]

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Paris MOU: Launch of Concentrated Inspection Campaign on MLC (Checklist and Guidance).

The Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control will launch a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC,2006). The aim of the […]

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Port of Rotterdam in LNG bunkering first

Terntank’s LNG-powered 15,000 DWT chemical tanker Ternsund will be the first vessel to receive a discount on gross seaport dues in the Port of Rotterdam as part of […]

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Optimising multimodal logistic chains for a more sustainable transport system

The EU-funded TelliSys project has designed a new, environmentally-friendly, volume-optimised, intermodal transport system for the European transport sector. It is already available on the market. Whether […]

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Το Poseidon Med II παρουσιάζει την εποχή ανεφοδιασμού πλοίων με Υγροποιημένο Φυσικό Αέριο (ΥΦΑ) στο Ηράκλειο

Στις 20 – 22 Ιουλίου 2016 πραγματοποιήθηκε, στα πλαίσια του προγράμματος Poseidon Med II, συνάντηση εργασίας (workshop), η οποία επικεντρώθηκε στη διερεύνηση της δυνατότητας ανεφοδιασμού των […]

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Opinion: Small-scale LNG growth – the opportunities and the challenges

Five years ago small-scale LNG was considered new and exotic, with only a few early-established players having practical market experience, writes Andrew Morris. Driven by stricter […]

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ILO confirm MLC amendments re protection of seafarers

ILO member States have confirmed the amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention ensuring better protection to seafarers and their families in case of abandonment, death, and […]

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European Shipowners endorse the global commitment of the European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility

The European Commission’s newly published communication on a European Strategy for low-emission mobility rightly points out that all transport sectors need to contribute towards reducing the […]

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