Members of the European Union(EU)-funded Poseidon Med II LNG-bunker port initiative have staged a series of simulation workshops to evaluate safety and operating issues for LNG […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραAlfa Laval has published a white paper providing an overview of the most influential ballast water regulations and their enforcement, gudance and a few information about selecting a […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραΝα πετύχει την «επιστροφή στο μέλλον» για τα ναυπηγεία Σκαραμαγκά θα επιχειρήσει ο υφυπουργός Οικονομίας Στέργιος Πιτσιόρλας, στη συνάντηση που θα έχει με την επίτροπο Ανταγωνισμού […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραICS has published its latest Flag State Performance Table which can be downloaded free of charge. The Table provides an annual overview of the performance of […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραJapan, the world’s largest LNG importer and accounting for about 35% of global demand, is set to play a significant role in LNG bunkering as the […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραThe Cyprus Department of Merchant Shipping announced the appointment of Christian Bahr as its sales executive in Germany. Based in Hamburg, Bahr will be responsible for […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραECSA regrets that European port and cargo interests have come out in favour of the European Parliament’s position to conditionally include shipping in the EU Emission […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραBureau Veritas, Clean Marine Energy, and Gas Natural Fenosa all lend their support to accelerating the uptake of LNG as a marine fuel SEA\LNG, the multi-sector […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραThe European Parliament voted in favour of the inclusion of CO2 emissions from shipping in the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) and the establishment of a […]
Διαβάστε ΠερισσότεραMembers of the European Parliament voted today in plenary on the Commission’s proposal to revise the European Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) Directive. A majority of MEPs […]
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