New Lease Accounting Standard to Impact Maritime Sector

A new international accounting standard dealing with leases could have major implications for companies in the shipping and offshore maritime sectors, and particularly for time charterers, […]

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«Πυρά» της Ένωσης Εφοπλιστών προς την Κομισιόν

Την αντίδραση της Ένωσης Ελλήνων Εφοπλιστών προκάλεσε πρόσφατη απόφαση της Κομισιόν, σύμφωνα με την οποία, ορισμένες διατάξεις του ελληνικού ναυτιλιακού φορολογικού συστήματος αντίκεινται στις διατάξεις της […]

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European shipowners welcome EP TiSA recommendations

European shipowners welcome the European Parliament’s INTA Committee recommendations to the European Commission on the ongoing negotiations of the Trade in Services Agreement between some of […]

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Criteria for entry into force of BWM Convention not yet reached – further ratifications needed

Insufficient tonnage to trigger entry into force despite recent ratifications Following the spate of ratifications in November 2015 of the Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention, IMO […]

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Έντονοι διαξιφισμοί για τις πολιτικές μείωσης κόστους

Αντιπαράθεση ουσίας διεξήχθη χθες μεταξύ του υπουργού Ναυτιλίας Θοδωρή Δρίτσα και του προέδρου του Ναυτικού Επιμελητηρίου Ελλάδος Γιώργου Γράτσου. Ο υπουργός τάχθηκε κατά φορέων που ζητούν […]

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Shipowners call for adequate and workable European port reception facilities

European shipowners have issued a position paper on the upcoming revision of the Port Reception Facilities (PRF) Directive adopted in 2000 as a reaction to the […]

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Σε αχαρτογράφητα νερά η ναυτιλία

Ο κλάδος της ναυτιλίας θα παραμείνει ασταθής αλλά απολύτως απαραίτητος και το τρέχον έτος, σύμφωνα με εκτιμήσεις της εκ των κορυφαίων εταιρειών ορκωτών ελεγκτών Moore Stephens. […]

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Infographic: How to raise cyber security awareness

Shipping organisations has recenlty launched a set of guidelines to help the global shipping industry prevent major safety, environmental and commercial issues that could result from […]

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GloMEEP energy efficiency project gets underway with first national workshop

The first national workshop under the Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnerships GloMEEP), Project, which aims to support increased uptake and implementation of energy-efficiency measures for shipping, […]

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Mandatory audits and other amendments enter into force on 1 January 2016

A number of important amendments to IMO treaties enter into force on 1 January 2016, including new requirements for verification of compliance, making audits mandatory under […]

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