LNG is the fuel of the future for ships, Cyprus Transport minister, Marios Demetriades told the “LNG Fuelling the Future of the Eastern Mediterranean” conference in […]

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COSCO sees Greece’s Piraeus among world’s top 30 ports by 2018

China’s biggest shipping company, COSCO Shipping, plans to ramp up container volume at Greece’s biggest port in Piraeus by 35 percent by 2018, the port’s new […]

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Εκπτωτική πολιτική στα λιμενικά τέλη για πλοία που εκπέμπουν χαμηλότερους αέριους ρύπους

Το λιμάνι του Λονδίνου θα γίνει το πρώτο λιμάνι του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου που αναγνωρίζει την προσπάθεια των πλοιοκτητών, για τη σταδιακή βελτίωση των περιβαλλοντικών τους επιδόσεων, […]

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Underwater coral reef

More States urged to ratify the London Protocol

Governments have been urged to ratify the London Protocol treaty which regulates the dumping of wastes at sea in order to ensure the universal application of […]

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New guides for strengthening effective implementation of IMO’s energy efficiency regulations for ships rolled out at GloMEEP training

Three new guides that will support States to effectively implement IMO-adopted mandatory energy-efficiency measures for shipping have been rolled out during a training under the Global […]

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Η παρουσία της Ε.Ε.Ν.Μ.Α. στο 7ο Ναυτιλιακό Συνέδριο της Αδελφότητας Υδραίων Αθηνών (Ύδρα, 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016)

Η Αδελφότητα Υδραίων Αθηνών διοργάνωσε το 7ο Ναυτιλιακό Συνέδριό της, με θέμα «Από τo «μπρίκι» στο αυτόνομο πλοίο», το Σάββατο 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016 στη συνεδριακή αίθουσα […]

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IBIA update on low flashpoint fuel regulations at IMO: LNG, fuel cells and methanol

Clarifications prepared ahead of 2017 entry into force of IGF Code Requirements for fuel cells within IGF Code given priority Work has progressed on guidelines for […]

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First European multi-product barge to provide LNG to ships

Cepsa has announced that it will supply liquefied natural gas (LNG) to ships through the first multi-product barge in Europe. The supply ship will be able […]

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Pressure grows on IMO and EU to align ship CO2 emissions-measuring systems

The global drive to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships continues and the latest step in the initiative is the establishment of regulations to monitor, […]

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First evaluation of the work program of the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for ports A good start of dialogue for concrete results

Joint Statement Brussels, 14.09.2016 In June 2013, ETF, IDC, FEPORT and ESPO (1) have established, with the support of the European Commission, the Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee […]

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