Τελευταία Νέα

Αλλάζουν τα κριτήρια κατάταξης σε σημαία βάσει του Paris MOU

Διαβούλευση: Ποιες πιέσεις ασκούν οι «μικροί» – Πώς αντιδρούν οι ισχυροί – Τι πρεσβεύει η Ε.Ε. Μάχη υπέρ της «ποιότητας» αναμένεται να δοθεί στην επόμενη συνεδρίαση […]

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Europa Ship Plan officially included to the Detailed Implementation Plan (DIP) for Motorways of the Sea (MoS)

European Shortsea Network, 28.03.2016 Europa Ship Plan officially included to the Detailed Implementation Plan (DIP) for Motorways of the Sea (MoS) On the 15th of March […]

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Dry Bulk Contracting Comes To A Halt While Demolition Is On The Rise

With 12 weeks of 2016 behind us, the dry bulk market is still looking bleak. As the current low demand for transportation of commodities continues, the […]

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Cyber Security Roundtable identifies key issues of concern

KVH Industries hosted maritime industry leaders for a frank discussion about cyber security prior to the start of the CMA Shipping 2016 conference in Stamford, Connecticut. During […]

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Panama Canal announces draft restrictions due to drought

The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has issued an Advisory to Shipping , which sets a draft restriction for all shipping agents, owners and operators working with the […]

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Βρυξέλλες: 1st MoS Forum on the Environment

Μετά από πρόσκληση της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής, η Ένωση Εφοπλιστών Ναυτιλίας Μικρών Αποστάσεων (EENMA) συμμετείχε με εκπρόσωπο της και παρακολούθησε τις εργασίες της Συνόδου του “1st MoS […]

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NOx compliance for retrofitted engines in ECA zones

If a diesel engine installed on board a vessel has to be replaced by a non-identical diesel engine, the replacement engine has to comply with IMO […]

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EU approves aid for Finnish LNG terminal at Hamina

The European Commission has found that Finland’s plans to grant €28 million to build a small scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal at Hamina, on Finland’s […]

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IBIA joins Trident Alliance

The introduction of the 0.50% Global Sulphur Cap is drawing near, and discussions are loud around the availability of compliant fuel and whether implementation will take […]

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HELCOM agrees on a Roadmap for a Baltic Sea NECA

The Annual Meeting of the Helsinki Commission ( HELCOM ), consisting of the Baltic coastal countries and the EU, have agreed on a Roadmap which includes […]

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